Mongolische Rüstung aus dem 14. Jahrhundert: Zeichnung/Illustration/Holzstich – – Mongol armor from the 14th century. The armor is made entirely of wire mesh. Iron scales are fastened on the chest, shoulders and thighs. On the gloves and knees there are partly inset gold, partly inlaid with silver, almost obliterated inscriptions from which the time of the Deciphering the Mongol invasion of Russia. Likewise, the peculiar balaclava is provided with golden decorations on the same is still a kind of veil of meshwork, which covers the back of the neck and in front, similar to a Bister, protects the face (Museum of Tsarskoe Selo) ‚ –
Bildnr.: c0016025
Bildtyp: Holzstich
Urheber: (unleserlich)
Ausgelieferte Bildgröße: 3.74 x 7.73 Pixel, vgl. dazu unseren Pixelrechner
Dateigröße als jpg: 3.7 MB
Erscheinungsdatum: 1902
Mongolia; Mongolian; Armor; Knight; armor,