Jesus lehrt vom Schiff aus: Zeichnung/Illustration/Holzstich – – Jesus teaches from the ship –
Bildnr.: h0021334
Bildtyp: Holzstich
Ausgelieferte Bildgröße: 10.488 x 8.229 Pixel, vgl. dazu unseren Pixelrechner
Dateigröße als jpg: 51.6 MB
Erscheinungsdatum: ca. 1863
Bible; boat; boats; Christianity; Christ; graphic; graphics; wood engraving; wood engravings; illustration; illustrations; Jesus; mobility; New Testament; religion; ship; ships; engraving; line drawing; technology; transportation; xylograph; woodcut; drawing; biblical scene; biblical scenes; Christian; Christian illustration; drive; historically; religiously; black and white; technically; vintage,